FP Top 5
1. Go out with friends Since the university gave us the week off, i decided to rest the first 2 days and all the others went out to my friend's houses to carretear. i went out to lunch with several frinds during the week, and in the evening they would usually pick me up at my house to go out. 2. Drink earthquake I love the national drink because of its sweet flavor and fun of the preparation. In all the places i was there was an earthqueake to drink. Everyone coordinated to buy the ingredients and spend the time enjoying the drink. 3. Sleep Throughout the week i carried a destructive routine for my body that consisted of going out during the night, returning to my house between 6 and 9 in the morning to spend the rest of the day sleeping and recovering fot the next night. Those long periods of sleep were one of my favourite things of the week since i can't do it if i have classes. 4. Eat This last week was special to eat very delicios food thanks to the celebration of septem...