My experience with English

Since i was little i started learing english at school. in the beginning they were more basic things like fruits, animals, colors, etc. more focused on vocabulary. When they started teaching more complicated things, i was left behind at the level that was expected.

when i went to "primero medio" i was interested in the world of japanese manga but the spanish translations were always 10 chapters behind vs the english tranlation, so i started to reading in english with google tranlator. At some point i no longer needed to tranlate the words and i could read on my own.

Since i had a good understanding of written english i started watching videos in english with subtitles to lear how to listen. i didn't undesand anything for a long time but little by little i learned. I currently watch videos in english ever day and my tiktok is half english, half spanish.

It's still dificult to speak and express myself in the languaje but i just need more practice and learn more vocabulary to get at a good point. I thing the monday classes is a great opportunity to talk to others and learn to express ourselves. The most difficult part will always be listening to the natives of the language speak casually and undestand.

I would like to leave the country and go to Australia at some point, so knowing another language will help me adapt. i can also find out about any meme/gossip that happens in the world and that makes me happy.


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